PURE DEVILRY ♥ Beautiful Czech Fairy-tale family movie on DVD !

PURE DEVILRY ♥ Beautiful Czech Fairy-tale family movie on DVD !

Pure Delvilry...Czech land as it was painted... Troška succeeded in showing the beauties of our picturesque countryside and he made us believe the...
The story of Milada Horakova

The story of Milada Horakova

Film Milada, which was just released on the DVD, has split the audience into two groups. The first one is disappointed and considers it as a big fa...
Spina / Filthy: A controversial Slovak film comes to DVD

Spina / Filthy: A controversial Slovak film comes to DVD

Slovakian-Czech movie that is definitely worth a watch for its originality. A lot of people like this film and say it is the best drama of last yea...
This Christmas, a new film comes on the Czech market. Barefoot.

This Christmas, a new film comes on the Czech market. Barefoot.

When I went to see this film in the cinema I thought: “What can I expect from directors Sverak and Sverak jr.?  Quality, a pleasant spectacle...” b...
Hrebejk's new film returns to the time of normalization.

Hrebejk's new film returns to the time of normalization.

Another highlight of our website is undoubtedly a film by Jan Hřebejk The Teacher. “MY NAME IS MÁRIA DRAZDECHOVA AND I AM YOUR NEW SCHOOL TEACHER. ...
Masaryk - The Winner of 12 Czech Lion Awards

Masaryk - The Winner of 12 Czech Lion Awards

Finally, here comes 12 times the Czech Lion Award-winning film Masaryk on DVD and Blu Ray. Many has been written about this film. It is identified ...
All or Nothing

All or Nothing

Czech-Slovak-Polish film All or Nothing, directed by Marta Ferencová, who has worked with Eva Urbaníková, the author of the book, shows that Czech ...
The Wasteland

The Wasteland


After its release, Wasteland has become one of the best and sophisticated crime dramas in the Czech Republic.

Wasteland is a village on the Czech-Polish border, which is close to a lignite quarry and there is a danger that it will disappear. Therefore, the mayor convenes a meeting about whether to have a referendum on the dissolution of the village. The greater part of the population votes to leave the village in exchange for an amount of money for their new start, but the enlightened minority would like to stay and ensure that the village exists. And so the enlightened mayor’s daughter disappears...

Angel of the Lord 2

Angel of the Lord 2


Everyone in the Czech Republic heard about the phenomenon of Angel of the Lord 2.

The Director of this piece is again Jiří Strach, which in 2005 he directed the first episode. It is said, that if the film has a sequel, it is not as good as the first film and the viewer is disappointed by the continuation. It really does not apply in the case of this work, which is proven more successful than the first one. Some of my acquaintances were on this fairy tale a few times at the cinema and I am honestly very looking forward to April, when it is going to be on DVD. 

Ostravak Ostravski

Ostravak Ostravski


Among the news for March is also film Ostravak Ostravski.

The film divides audiences into two groups. The first loves it completely and the other it completely hates. I am in the first group as I live in Ostrava city. Ostrava is a part of the Czech Republic, and is living in its own speed with its unique humor and dialect.

A plumber from Tuchlovice

A plumber from Tuchlovice


Comedy by Tomas Vorel Sr. gained quite an achievement.

Without a doubt, cast the movie took care of it. The main character, portrayed by Jakub Kohak, brought the company much-needed comedic drama and, together with Eva Holubova, Filip Blazek, Jan Budar and Petr Ctvrtnicek has managed to hold up the movie atmosphere until the end.

The Oddsockeaters

The Oddsockeaters


Oddsockeaters are tiny creatures who live with us human beings.

They are responsible that in each pair of socks will always remain only one. I don't know about you, but this issue is with us on a daily basis and I am still looking for socks to pair. Sometimes I have the feeling that the washing machine just eats them. Thanks to this animated fairy tale we know that we do not lose our socks at random, but they are eaten by small and cute Oddsockeaters.