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Vlasta Burian
28 products
Showing 1 - 24 of 28 products
Vlasta Burian, a famous Czech actor, was born on April 9, 1891 in Reichenberg, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary as Josef Vlastimil. During German occupation of Czechoslovakia, he refused to play in German movies. He is know for movies Once Upon a Time, There Was a King (1954), Station Master (1941) and He Stood at the Till (1939).
Showing 1 - 24 of 28 products

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Lelicek in the Services of Sherlock Holmes / Lelicek ve sluzbach Sherlocka Holmesa DVDczechmovie
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The Lovers of an Old Criminal / Milenky stareho kriminalnika DVDczechmovie
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Prague Symphony Orchestra Film Soundtracks / Filmy pod taktovkou orchestru FOK DVDczechmovie
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The Undertaker + The man in the air / Funebrak + Muz v povetri DVDczechmovie
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Dvanact kresel + The Inspector General / Dvanact kresel + Revizor DVDczechmovie
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The Little False Cat / Falesna kocicka aneb Kdyz si zena umini DVDczechmovie
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