She was the author of a number of extremely popular film and TV comedies. The information was provided to the media by her family through the company Falcon, which distributed her films in the past. She is known to everyone as the director of the comedies of the century. The ones with children's heroes made a mark in the hearts of the audience. The comedy I enjoy the world with you / S tebou me bavi svet became the comedy of the century.

However, Polednakova had already become famous for TV comedies with young actor Tomas Holy - How to Pull Out a Whale's Tooth / Jak vytrhnout velrybe stolicku, and How to Get Dad Into Reform School / Jak dostat tatinka do polepsovny. In the last years of her career, she gained popularity with the films You Kiss Like a God / Libas jako Buh (2009) and You Kiss Like a Devil / Libas jako dabel (2012). Her other directorial works include: Twins at the Zoo / Dva lidi v zoo, Taming Crocodiles / Jak se kroti krokodyli.
We will miss her in the film world. May she rest in peace.