Karel Gott died. A Czech legend that the whole world knew!

The most famous Czech pop music singer Karel Gott died at the age 80 yesterday before midnight, October 1.  In more than fifty years of his career, he has released three hundred records and sang about a thousand songs. His name became a term not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad.

Besides singing, Karel Gott also starred in films:

No Czech singer avoided filming, Karel Gott as the most successful of them was, of course, no exception.

Karel Gott first starred in the film IF A THOUSAND CLARINETS/KDYBY TISIC KLARINETU (1964), where he appeared as a singer Benjamin alongside the theatre ensemble. He then played the role of a singer in other films of the 1960s COMEDY AROUND A DOOR HANDLE/KOMEDIE S KLIKOU (1964), MUCEDNICI LASKY (1966), DYMKY (1966), TA NASE PISNICKA CESKA (1968), in the historical comedy SLASTI OTCE VLASTI (1969) played troubadour. He also sang under operetta singer Karel Fiala in the western parody LIMONADOVY JOE (1964). Also in the 1970s he played in several films, primarily himself - ROMANCE FOR A CROWN/ROMANCE ZA KORUNU (1974) and OUR GANG/PARTA HIC (1976). In 1974 Karel Gott was given his only major film role, Svanda in a modern adaptation of the classic play by J. K. Tyl. Ladislav Rychman directed the musical HVEZDA PADA VZHURU, which however did not meet the expectations. The last film - beautiful fairy tale When dragon gets a headache/Kdyz draka boli hlava was Gott's greatest role.

Later, Karel Gott appeared in the film THE INHERITANCE OR FUCKOFFGUYSGOODDAY/DEDICTVI, ANEB KURVAHOSIGUTNTAG (1992), where he again played himself. In 2001 he played the double role of Lucifer and God in a fairy tale Goblins and Good Luck 2 / Z pekla stesti 2. He then played episode roles in the films KAMENAK 2 (2004) and HRUBES A MARES JSOU KAMARADI DO DESTE (2005). Exceptionally, he also appeared in smaller roles in German films and series.

Of course, many Czech films and series were accompanied by Karel Gott's songs. Most of the time it was about using older recordings as musical backdrops, but often title songs were written for that particular film. Of these, Three Wishes for Cinderella/Tri orisky pro Popelku (1973) must be mentioned first. Its tremendous popularity and frequent repetition keeps the song of Karel Svoboda up to this point. Films JEZDEC FORMULE RISK (1973; song Ma touha ma dve kridla) and MUKA OBRAZNOSTI (1989; song Musis byt jenom ma) are long forgotten. Hit's proportions were reached by the song Krev Toulava (again by Karel Svoboda), which was created using a part of the musical theme from the series CIRKUS HUMBERTO (1988). It was not the first time that Karel Gott sang a part of the musical theme used in the film (for example, the songs Lorelay and Az Jednou for the album Romantika, which were previously instrumental in the films DEN PRO MOU LASKU and NOC KLAVIRISTY). Karel Gott achieved an extraordinary success in the German-speaking countries with the song Biene Maja (1976), sung for the cartoon series of the same name, in Czech known as Vcelka Maja. Here it is necessary to add that the singer was initially reluctant to sing a song for a children's series, but on German stages he has been successful with it to this day. In 1985, the Czech version was made.

Karel Gott music:

He recorded and released almost three hundred records and his name and voice are forever connected with hits such as Lady Carneval, Mistral, Kavu si osladim, Cesta rajem, Paganini, Bum bum bum or Trezor. He has also sung over a hundred duets, including Hana Hegerova, Waldemar Matuska, Dara Rolins and Marcela Holanova.

His last duet Srdce Nehasnou he sung with his young daughter Charlotte. You can feel that they both put their hearts in it, as the song is really emotional.

Famous songs:
Oci snehem zavate (1964)
Trezor (1964)
„Cesta raem (1965)
C’est la vie (1966)
Lady Carneval (1968)
Ma prvni laska se dnes vdava (1970)
Kavu si osladim (1972)
Je jaka je (1975)
Kdepak ty ptacku hnizdo mas (1975)
Jen se hadej (1976)
Jdi za stetsim (1977)
Vcelka Maja (1980)
Kdyz milenky placou (1982)
To musim zvladnout sam (1984)
Zvonky stesti (1985)
Zustanu svuj (1987)
Kdyz muz se zenou snida (1992)
Byt stale mlad (1999)
Chran buh (2011)
Ta prava (2018)
Srdce nehasnou (2019)

Remember this legendary singer, listen to his song and watch him on movies… Now you can find the most popular CDs and DVDs in a special category.

KAREL GOTT : 50 YEARS ON DVDA unique set of five DVDs summarizing Karel Gott's songs in the form of video clips and other audio-visual recordings. Dozens of hits, TV shows and documentary bonuses.

KAREL GOTT : SINGLES / 300 SONGS FROM 1962-2019 - 15x CD. A unique epic compilation of three hundred SPs and EP songs.


2019Czech famous actors

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