A Dead Man Among the Living / Mrtvy mezi zivymi

The film A Dead Man Among the Living was directed by Borivoj Zeman in 1946. It was the director's feature debut. For actor Karel Höger, who got the main role in it, it became the second significant opportunity to change from lover roles to character roles. A Dead Man Among the Living gave Höger the opportunity for the first time to reveal in the character of a postal clerk Valta the conflict of personal bravery and cowardice, which was brought up in the plot by the fact that, as a postal clerk, he refused to risk his life in a post office robbery to save the money entrusted to him. In the context of the Nazi occupation that had just been overcome, this problem of personal bravery took on an extremely pressing importance. 

I saw the film many years ago, but it had a rather fundamental influence on the formation of my ideas about heroism and cowardice. Sometimes what we call heroism is just foolish rashness, and on the contrary, reasonable action is considered cowardice. Anyone who wants to make a strong statement about heroism and what would they do in a crisis should first really find themselves in such a situation. Karel Höger gives a captivating performance in the title role. For director Borivoj Zeman, this film marked the feature debut and, paradoxically, it is his best work. In today's time and circumstances, the film could no longer be made, because standing up to someone with a gun in hand is not heroic, but insanity. Still, the plot is excellent, and the main character is interesting to watch. Above average psychological drama. 

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