Amelie, along with her inseparable friends Princess Ellena (Natalia Germani) and Prince Jan of Calderon (Marek Lambora), travels to a magical city called Ayra, home to the Society of Alchemists, which has sworn to protect magic. By their side, Amelia must confront her most powerful adversary, and also her own desire for forbidden power.
The sequel to the original fantasy film had high expectations. While the first film drew on the traditional theme of a time loop, the second went full out on the risk of showing the original fantasy world of Runes by Lukas Daniel Parik and, if possible, impressing and not disappointing. And in my opinion, it succeeded in doing so. I love fantasy and that's why I appreciate it so much here.
The filmmakers have managed to shift the imaginary Czech bridge between fairy tale and fantasy and to turn it more towards those fantasy motifs that until recently few people here had heard of. In books, yes, it is a tradition, but in cinema (especially in the Czech one) the fantasy theme is stuck somewhere deep in the communist era. However, this film did it and revived the forgotten. It offered an original setting that has the potential to become a cult. The world of alchemists and runes is very interesting, the actors are excellent (Simona Zmrzla is again devilishly captivating), the music is also fantastically epic and the whole thing has such an air of something so unique by our standards that, like the first film, I will be very happy to return to it repeatedly. Plus, I give thumbs up for the idea with the pub, beer, and the Czech band Divoky Bill!
Princess Lost in Time: A Magical Adventure Through Past and Present

A young alchemist Amelie (Eliska Krenkova) gains a forbidden magical power: she can partially influence the flow of time. However, the abuse of her new abilities splits her in time. The Amelie of the present meets the Amelie of the past, who accompanies her every step of the way. Moreover, from the long-forgotten darkness of time rises a new threat, an alchemist called the Lord of the Runes who desires to gain control of all magic in Oberon. To do so, he must deprive Amelie of her control over time.
1 comment
Vaclav Sotola
Does this movie come with English subtitles? My wife is not a Czech speaker. :(