Wonderful Years That Sucked / Bajecna leta pod psa Remastered Blu-Ray
The story, well-known from the popular bestseller by M. Viewegh, is told with ironic detachment and exaggeration about the fate that the years of normalization brought to an ordinary family. How did it all begin? Helena and Aleš (brilliantly portrayed by L. Šafránková and O. Vetchý) have a son named Kvído. The circumstances of his birth during a performance of "Waiting for Godot" seem to foreshadow his future path. When Kvído is six years old, Russian tanks arrive, and the family moves into a pre-war villa by the Sázava River. However, they don't get the whole villa, just a part on a glazed terrace where it's as cold as a "doghouse." The communist director of the glassworks, Šperk, conditions the improvement of their situation on Aleš's public political engagement, which Aleš refuses. In the end, it is Kvído who saves the situation...
Product Details Remastered Blu-Ray
Length 97 min.
Production Year 1997
Audio Czech
Subtitles Czech, English
Format DVD (PAL)
Region ALL
Director Petr Nikolaev
Cast Ondrej Vetchy, Libuse Safrankova, Vladimír Javorsky, Klara Botkova, Jitka Jezkova, Jakub Wehrenberg, Vladimir Dlouhy, Vilma Cibulkova, Miriam Kantorkova, Kveta Fialová, Stanislav Zindulka, Otakar Brousek st., Viktor Preiss, Alice Bendova
Also Known As:
Hungary - Csodálatos évek a kutyavilágban
Hungary (alternative title) - Varázsos évek pórázon
Russia - Лучшие годы псу под хвост
Czech - Báječná léta pod psa
Note for US customers: It might not play on some US Blu-Ray players, Multi-Region and Multisystem PAL/NTSC Blu-Ray player is required, Please check your Blu-Ray player