Prelet nad kukaccim hnizdem DVD / One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest

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One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest / Prelet nad kukaccim hnizdem DVD (dab.) (czech version)

A criminal pleads insanity after getting into trouble again and once in the mental institution rebels against the oppressive nurse and rallies up the scared patients.

Product Details
Packaging Plastic box
Length 129 min.
Production Year 1975
Audio Czech: 2.0, English: 2.0
Subtitles English, Czech
Format DVD (PAL)
Region 2

Country of manufacture USA

Director Milos Forman
Cast Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, William Redfield, Michael Berryman, Peter Brocco, Dean R. Brooks, Alonzo Brown, Scatman Crothers, Mwako Cumbuka, Danny DeVito, William Duell, Josip Elic

Also Known As:

Argentina Atrapado sin salida
Austria Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest
Belgium (Flemish title) Vlucht boven een koekoeksnest
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Полет над кукувиче гнездо
Brazil Um Estranho no Ninho
Canada (English title) - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Canada (French title) - Vol au-dessus d'un nid de coucou
Chile - Atrapado sin salida
Czechoslovakia (Slovak title) - Prelet nad kukučím hniezdom
Czechoslovakia (Czech title) - Přelet nad kukaččím hnízdem
Germany Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest
Denmark - Gøgereden
Estonia - Lendas üle käopesa
Spain - Alguien voló sobre el nido del cuco
Spain (Catalan title) - Algú va volar sobre el niu del cucut
Finland (alternative title) (Swedish title) - En flög över gökboet
Finland (Swedish title) - Gökboet
Finland - Yksi lensi yli käenpesän
France - Vol au-dessus d'un nid de coucou
Greece - Στη φωλιά του κούκου
Croatia - Let iznad kukavičjeg gnijezda
Hungary - Száll a kakukk fészkére
Israel (Hebrew title) - Ken Ha-Cookiya
Iran (Persian title) - Divaneh Az Ghafas Parid
Iceland - Gaukshreiðrið
Italy - Qualcuno volò sul nido del cuculo
Japan - Kakkou no su no ue de
Lithuania - Skrydis virs gegutes lizdo
Mexico - Atrapado sin salida
Netherlands (informal literal title) - Vlucht boven een koekoeksnest
Norway - Gjøkeredet
Peru Atrapado sin salida
Poland Lot nad kukulczym gniazdem
Portugal - Voando Sobre Um Ninho de Cucos
Romania - Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci
Serbia - Let iznad kukavičjeg gnezda
Sweden - Gökboet
Slovenia - Let nad kukavičjim gnezdom
Soviet Union (Russian title) - Пролетая над гнездом кукушки
Turkey (Turkish title) - Guguk Kusu
Ukraine - Пролiтаючи над гнiздом зозулi
Vietnam - Bay Tren To Chim Cuc Cu
West Germany - Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest
World-wide (English title) (informal short title) - Cuckoo's Nest
Yugoslavia (Croatian title) - Let iznad kukavičjeg gnijezda
Yugoslavia (Slovenian title) - Let nad kukavičjim gnezdom

Note for US customers: It might not play on some US DVD players, Multi-Region and Multisystem PAL/NTSC DVD player is required, Please check your DVD player

AQS, a.s.
division Magic Box
Kunětická 2534/2
120 00, Praha 2
Czech Republic
+420 221 436 100

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