Christmas with the Spejbles - the stories of the naughty boy Hurvínek, his friend Mánička, his dog Žeryk and his daddy Spejbl in a classic performance by Miloš Kirschner, Helena Štáchová and Miroslav Černý. This time you will hear how Christmas is celebrated at the Spejbls' house and what can happen during it.
Artist: Hurvinek a Spejbl
The CD includes:
1. Mániččin vánoční stromeček 07:44
2. Vánoční kapr u Spejblů 11:38
3. Hurvínkův Štědrý den 08:54
4. Hurvínkův sněhulák 40:59
5. Spejbl dělá krmítko 09:02