Spejbl a Hurvinek : Cisaruv Hurvinek a Hurvinkuv cisar / Hurvinek v ceskych dejinach IV

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The scriptwriters of the thematic series of S+H Theatre titles called Hurvínek in Czech History.
In the fourth part, Hurvínek and Mánička become guests of Emperor Rudolf II, who considers them to be the discovery of his alchemists, trying to fulfil the ruler's wish and create a homunculus - an artificial man. In addition to Martin Klásek /Hurvínek/ and Helena Štáchová /Mánička/, actors Petr Pelzer, Václav Vydra, Marcel Vašinka and Jan Přeučil share the roles. Some of the characters - such as the court painter Arcimboldo - are authentic, just like the period realities. Young listeners will not only be entertained but also educated.
In previous works, Helena Štáchová and Pavel Cmíral took their protagonists to the court of Přemysl Otakar II. /Hurvínek among the Přemyslids/, to Karlštejn, the castle of Emperor Charles IV and his son King Wenceslas /Hurvínek at the Luxembourg court/ and to the chambers of Jiří of Poděbrady /Hurvínek and the Hussite King/.

Artist: Hurvinek a Spejbl

The collection includes:

1. Císař se zlobí 03:08
2. Jak spiklenci pikle kuli 09:57
3. Hurvínek homunkulem 10:11
4. Mánička homunkulkou 06:36
5. Homunkulos a homunkulka se setkali 07:46
6. Není všechno zlato, co se třpytí 05:26
7. Lev - král zvířat 08:21
8. Homunkulové a císařova sbírka umění 07:40
9. Syrečky jsou nad zlato 19:243

Palackého 740/1
112 99 Praha 1
Czech Republic

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