Princezna z Kloboukovych hor DVD

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Princezna z Kloboukovych hor DVD

In this magical story, a Rabbit discovers a picture book with a beautiful Princess and fairy-tale characters, given by a Magician. Charmed, the Rabbit jumps into the book, joining the Princess on an adventure filled with mischievous sprites, Kazounek and Pošťucha, magical challenges, and wondrous journeys through the Kloboukové mountains, space, and under the sea. Their tale, fraught with danger and enchantment, is brought to life in a new animated series with voiceovers by Robert Nebřenský and music by Jan Hrubý, created by animator Xenie Vavrečková.

Product Details DVD 
Length 13x9 min.
Production Year 2007
Audio Czech
Subtitles Czech
Format DVD (PAL)
Region ALL

Director Milada Sukdolakova
Cast Robert Nebrensky

Also Known As:

(original title) - Princezna z Kloboukovych hor

Note for US customers: It might not play on some US DVD players, Multi-Region and Multisystem PAL/NTSC DVD player is required, Please check your DVD player

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