Pavla Hajkova: Rusalka (english)

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Pavla Hajkova: Rusalka (english)
The fragile story of a beautiful fairy who gave everything she had for human love continues to move readers and listeners of Dvořák's famous opera with the power of her emotion. The set of 9 oil paintings by Michaela Černická is characterised by a new original imagination, the paintings seem to come from the watery realm.

Product Details
Length 48 pages
Production Year 2010
Language English
Size 241 x 310 mm
Weight 640 g
Author Pavla Hajkova

Also Known As:
(original title) - Rusalka

Nakladatelství Karolinum
Ovocný trh 560/5
116 36 Praha 1
+420 224 491 276

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