O clovickovi DVD
Fearless, resourceful, and adept at navigating the wild prehistoric world teeming with strange prehistoric creatures and lizards, the protagonist of the animated series, "The Little Man," fearlessly befriends the right companions. This is the essence of "The Little Man," the hero of the animated series directed by Josef Lamka, based on the concepts of Zdenka and Pavel Teisinger. The adventures of "The Little Man" unfold from the collision of a small and defenseless creature with a hostile world and are filled with gentle humor.
Product Details DVD
Length 104 min.
Production Year 1985
Audio Czech
Subtitles Czech
Format DVD (PAL)
Region ALL
Director Josef Lamka
Cast Jiri Wimmer
Also Known As:
Czech - O človíčkovi
Note for US customers: It might not play on some US DVD players, Multi-Region and Multisystem PAL/NTSC DVD player is required, Please check your DVD player