Nico Josef Lada / O kocouru Mikesovi Josef Lada (english)

AlbatrosSKU: ISBN: 978-80-00-05201-4
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Nico Josef Lada / O kocouru Mikesovi Josef Lada (english)
Mikes the cat and his friends have many adventures! English edition. Probably very few people have not heard about the talking cat Mikes, who lived in Hrusice u Sevcu. And about his friends Pepik, Pasik and Bobes the goat. They used to play funny tricks and pranks together. But one day the black cat went out into the world and had many adventures. The book is published in the Golden Dozen edition - 12 most popular children's books by Albatross.

Product Details
Length 340 pages
Production Year 2018
Language English
Size 169 x 246 mm
Weight 836 g
Author Josef Lada, Translated by Andrew Oakland

Also Known As:
(original title) - Mikeš

Albatros Media a.s. - division Brno
Příkop 4
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic

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