Leggenda del bambin Gesú di Praga / Legenda o Prazskem Jezulatku (italian)

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Leggenda del bambin Gesú di Praga / Legenda o Prazskem Jezulatku (italian)
For six centuries, the miraculous statue of the famous Prague Baby Jesus has accompanied generations of Prague residents and pilgrims from all over the world who come to Prague to worship the little Jesus. Few people know that the Little Jesus of Prague originally had its home in Spain in the 16th century, where the young Maria Manrique de Lara, the bride of the Czech nobleman Vratislav of Pernštejn, brought it as a wedding gift. One magical legend from each century for children from all over the world, full of wonders, but told in today's modern language and charmingly illustrated by Jarmila Marešová, the artist of the two most beautiful books awarded the Golden Ribbon.

Product Details
Length 48 pages
Production Year 2000
Language Italian
Size 176 x 216 mm
Weight 263 g
Author Ivana Pechackova

Also Known As:
(original title) - Legenda o Pražském Jezulátku

Nakladatelství Meander
Ing. Ivana Pecháčková
Zubatého 1 150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic

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