Kit II WW Junkers JU 52/3M, 548 hp, 2 f

COBISKU: 57107
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Build the Junkers JU 52, the most famous three-engine German aircraft from World War 2. The aircraft originally designed to carry passengers and goods proved to be excellent in military aviation. In the early stages of the war, it was also used as a so-called auxiliary bomber. After modifications, he pulled the gliders of the landing forces. Ju 52 carried numerous landing troops on all fronts of the war. The most famous operations in which JU 52 took part are: the attack on Greece, Operation Mercury (landing in Crete) and assistance to the 6th Army of Field Marshal Paulus at the Battle of Stalingrad. After World War 2, the JU 52 was produced in France under the name AAC 1 Toucan and in Spain as casa C352-L. Individual machines can be found in operation to this day! The package contains 548 bricks of the kit and 2 figures.

Manufacturer: COBI

Ondřej Vašťák
Náměstí Hrdinů 109
686 03 Staré Město
Czech Republic
+420 608 414 154

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