The Inheritance or Fuckoffguysgoodday / Dedictvi aneb Kurvahosigutntag + The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That / Dedictvi aneb Kurva se nerika DVD

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The Inheritance or Fuckoffguysgoodday / Dedictvi aneb Kurvahosigutntag + The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That / Dedictvi aneb Kurva se nerika DVD

The Inheritance or Fuckoffguysgoodday / Dedictvi aneb Kurvahosigutntag
Bohuš Stejskal, a rustic village man, lives alone in a dilapidated house, working as a woodcutter and spending most of his time drinking slivovice with his friends. His life changes when lawyer Ulrich informs him that he has inherited a vast fortune. The next day, his neighbor tells him that his goat has strangled itself. The distraught millionaire decides to hold a grand funeral feast in its honor, taking his friends to a luxurious restaurant in Brno, where they cause a scene. Later, Bohuš visits a massage parlor with his friend Košťál and is so impressed by the services of a prostitute named Irena that he convinces her to move in with him. However, Bohuš's humble home and behavior shock Irena, who is accustomed to luxury, and she eventually leaves despite her willingness to do almost anything for money. Bohuš persuades Vlasta to return and pays for gas installation in the village. Everyone envies him and wants something from him. When the furious Ulrich returns with the news that Bohuš inherited nothing because he was only a stepson, his friends, Vlasta, and the rest of the village turn their backs on him.

The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That / Dedictvi aneb Kurva se nerika
Vlasta has died, and at her funeral, Bohumil Stejskal (Boleslav Polívka) and the villagers of Olšany gather to mourn. Bohumil, now older and wealthier but deeply saddened by the loss of his wife, struggles with his grief. Despite being surrounded by family and familiar faces from the original film, he feels lost without Vlasta. The eccentric actress Irenka secretly observes the funeral but leaves before it ends. Bohumil, who has been sober for seven years, starts drinking again, leading to a series of chaotic events, including a wild romance, near-losses, and financial troubles. Ultimately, under the guidance of his daughter and friend Arnošt, Bohumil finds peace and himself in a rehab center, reflecting on his life.

Product Details DVD
Length 200 min.
Production Year
Audio Czech
Subtitles English
Format DVD (PAL)
Region 2

Director Vera Chytilova
Cast Boleslav Polivka, Miroslav Donutil, Karel Gott, Anna Pantuckova

Also Known As:
Argentina - Herencia
Czech Republic (working title) - Stestí je krásná vec
Hungary - Az örökség, avagy gútentág faszikáim
Poland (informal title) - Dziedzictwo albo odpieprzcie sie na dzien dobry
Poland - Dziedzictwo, albo odpieprzcie sie na dzien dobry
Poland - Spadek albo Odpieprzciesiegutntag
Russia - Наследство, или Едрёнавошьгутентаг
USA (alternative transliteration) - The Inheritance or Fuckoffguysgoodday
World-wide (English title) - The Inheritance or Fuckoffguysgoodday
Czech - Dědictví aneb kurvahosigutntag

Note for US customers: It might not play on some US Blu-Ray players, Multi-Region Blu-Ray DVD player is required, Please check your DVD player

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division Magic Box
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Czech Republic
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