Beer And Breweries of The Czech Republic / Pivo a pivovary Cech, Moravy a Slezska - kapesni pruvodce (english)

MCUSKU: 9788073393281
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The best of Wine / Vino a vinarstvi - kapesni pruvodce (english)
"The 25th title in the series of "pocket guides" aims to reveal to readers the current state of brewing in the Czech Republic and show them that Czech beer is not just the classic and well-known bottom-fermented lagers. The reader will discover that the beer world is also extremely rich in this country and that it is possible to choose from many (often exotic) flavours. The first part of the guide is devoted to beer as such - its history, production, distribution according to production technologies, beer consumption, its influence on human health, beer and culture, etc. All this is accompanied by numerous photographs, diagrams, drawings and maps. The main part of the publication is then devoted to the places where our "national drink" is produced - breweries and microbreweries throughout the Czech Republic. The reader will find 412 breweries on clear maps of individual regions (as of 31 April 2017), with full-page presentations devoted to more than 100 of them, including brewery logos and labels of the beer brands offered. The presentations are also an invitation to visit the brewery, tour the production facilities and taste its products."

Product Details
Length 224 pages
Production Year 2017
Language English
Size 115 x 221mm
Weight 422 g
Author Jan Eliasek

Also Known As:
(original title) - Pivo a pivovary Čech, Moravy a Slezska - kapesní průvodce

Vydavatelství MCU s.r.o.
Veslařský ostrov 62
147 00 Praha 4 – Podolí
Czech Republic
+420 777 723 251

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