Goat Story (The Old Prague Legends, Goat Story 2 with Cheese) 2DVDs Collection!

Goat Story (Goat Story: The Old Prague Legends, Goat Story 2 with Cheese) 2DVDs Collection!

It’s a pity that a large number of people rated this film negatively. But they either did not see it or saw it with a tremendous prejudice and personal antipathy against the creators. Goat story is simply different from other fairy tales and is totally different from what the Czech animated fairy tales represented and how they were depicted. Of course, this film has, like any other film, its flaws. On the other hand, it has genuinely brilliant music, an amazing dabbing, a massive crowd scenes, an artistic atmosphere that is completely different from American films. But critics intentionally don’t mention these facts and seek only mistakes and dirt.

Entertaining film for the whole family with perfect animations, beautiful voice performances, smart story line, exceptional soundtrack, elaborated details and magical atmosphere of scary night Prague. That's exactly how I feel about the Goat Story.

After the first part of Goat Story, which suffered from inconsistency of target audience, creators decided to fully aim on children and only sometimes use jokes for an adult audience. Quite a gloomy first part was transformed into a true fairytale, which was the best way, how to fully develop Goat Story. New characters joined forces with legendary trio Long, Broad and Sharpsight against evil. This formed alliance was something I really appreciated.

In my opinion, Goat Story is worth watching and after a long time is now available in a set.


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